Yuk Hui


Yuk HUI (Prof. Dr. phil. habil.) studied computer engineering at the University of Hong Kong and philosophy at Goldsmiths College in London where he wrote his doctoral thesis under the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020). He obtained his Habilitation (venia legendi for philosophy of technology) from Leuphana University Lüneburg. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation of the Centre Pompidou Paris and a visiting scientist at the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories in Berlin. Since 2010, he has been teaching in various institutes including Goldsmiths College London, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Bauhaus University Weimar, Strelka Institute Moscow, Chinese Academy of Art Hangzhou and currently as professor at the City University of Hong Kong. Hui is a juror of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture since 2020, and convenor of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology  since 2014.

Hui published on philosophy and technology in periodicals such as Research in Phenomenology, Philosophy Today, Metaphilosophy, Theory Culture and SocietyAngelakiParrhesiaCahiers Simondon, Deleuze Studies, Derrida Today, TechnéJahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Implications PhilosophiquesKrisisIntellectica. He is series editor of “Philosophy of Media and Technology” of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press. He is co-editor of 30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory (Meson, 2015), Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Concept of Technology in the Anthropocene (Routledge, 2021); and author of  On the Existence of Digital Objects (prefaced by Bernard Stiegler, University of Minnesota Press, 2016), The Question Concerning Technology in China -An Essay in Cosmotechnics (Urbanomic, 2016), Recursivity and Contingency (R&LI, 2019)  and Art and Cosmotechnics (University of Minnesota Press, 2021). His books have been reviewed and endorsed by The Philosophical Quarterly, Radical Philosophy, Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Theory Culture and Society, Issue in Science and Technology, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Folha de Sao Paulo among others; and have been translated into a dozen languages including German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish and Portuguese.


Selection of essays, a full list can be found here


Philosophy of Technology/ Phenomenology :

“Machine and Ecology,” Angelaki, August 2020, Vol.25 No.4,  54-66

“Writing and Cosmotechnics,” Derrida Today, May 2020, vo. 13, No. 1, 17-32 [download]

“For a Cosmotechnical Event: In Honor of Don Ihde and Bernard Stiegler”, Reimagining Philosophy and Technology, Reinventing Ihde (2020), 87-102 [download]

“Rhythm and Technics- On Heidegger’s Commentary on Rimbaud”, Research in Phenomenology 47 (2017) 60–84 [download]

“On Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Relation between Technology and Nature in the Anthropocene”, Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 21:2–3 (2017), 1–23. [download]

“Archives of the Future – Remarks on the Concept of Tertiary Protention”, Inscription, 129-151. [download]

“Reframing the Technosphere: Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler’s Anthropotechnological Diagnoses of the Anthropocene” (with P. Lemmens),  Krisis Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, (2017) Issue 2, 25-40. [download]

“Algorithmic Catastrophe – The Revenge of Contingency”, Parrhesia Journal of Critical Philosophy, no. 23, 2015. [download]

“Apocalypse, Now! Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler on the Anthropocene” (with P. Lemmens), Boundary 2 Online, 2017. [download]

“On a Possible Passing from the Digital to the Symbolic”, HKW Publication 2 or 3 Tigers, 2017. [download]

“On the Synthesis of Social Memories”, in Memory in Motion, AUP 2016. [download]

“Towards a Relational Materialism. A Reflection on Language, Relations and the Digital”, Digital Culture and Society no.1, 2015. [download]

“Anamnesis and Re-Orientation – A discourse on Matter and Time”, in 30 Years after Les Immatériaux, Meson Press, 2015. [download]

“What is a digital object?”, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2012. [download];

  •  ¿Qué es un objeto digital?, Virturalis, No.15, Vol 7, 81-96 [download]


On the Philosophy of Gilbert Simondon:

“Anders, Simondon and the Becoming of the Posthuman,” in Post/Humanism and Classical Literature (London: Bloomsbury, 2019)[download]

“On the Soul of Technical Objects – Commentary on Simondon’s ‘Technics and Eschatology’ (1972)”, Theory, Culture and Society [download]

“The Parallax of Individuation: Simondon and Schelling”, Angelaki 21.4, Winter 2016 [download]

“A Politics of Intensity : some Aspects of Acceleration in Simondon and Deleuze” (with Louis Morelle), Deleuze Studies, 11.4, 498-517 [download]

“Qu’est-ce que la « marge d’indétermination »?”, Implications Philosophiques, Winter 2016 [download]

“Simondon et la question de l’information”, Cahiers Simondon no.6, 2015 [download]

“Modulation after Control “, New Formations, no. 84-85, 2015 [download]

“Form and Relation – Materialism on an uncanny stage”, Intellectica No.61, 2014. [download]

“Technological System and the Problem of Desymbolization – on Ellul and Simondon”, in Jacques Ellul and the Technological Society in the 21st Century, Springer, 2013. [download]


Political Writings:

One Hundred Years of Crisis, E-flux #108, April 2020, FR, ES, PT, CN,IT

What Begins after the End of the Enlightenment, E-flux #96, January 2019, CN, JP, ES, TK

Cosmotechnics as Cosmopolitics, E-flux #86, November 2017, KR, CN, ES

On the Unhappy Consciousness of Neoreactionaries, E-flux #81, April 2017, FRCN, PT, ES

On Automation and Free Time, E-flux Architecture, March, 2018

From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Central: The Case of Hong Kong (with David Graeber), LARB, 2014,  FR (Le Monde), ITES, AL

Collective Individuation: The Future of the Social Web (with Harry Halpin), ES, CA, CN

Archivist Manifesto, Mute Magazine, 2013, FRRU, DE


Interviews (around my monographs by Geert Lovink)

Cybernetics for the Twenty First Century (by Geert Lovink, E-Flux (English, 2019/ Chinese Translation, Japanese Translation)

For a Philosophy of Technology in China (by Geert Lovink, Parrhesia (English, 2017/ Chinese Translation)

Metadata and Digital Objects (by Geert Lovink, E-flux (English, 2016/ Chinese Translation)


Interviews (chronological)

Yuk Hui, la nouvelle superstar de la pensée” (by Jose Maria Robles, El Mundo, November 2020)

Yuk Hui: “La cosmotécnica no es nacionalismo, no es fascismo, no es una identidad política” (by Jorge Fontevecchia, Perfil, October 2020)

Yuk Hui: “Vivimos tiempos inquietantes, de falsedad normalizada” (by Hector Pavon, Revista Ñ, Clarin,  October 2020)

Yuk Hui: el nuevo fenómeno del pensamiento global (by Rafael Toriz, Perfil, Spanish, September 2020, Portuguese Translation)

Produire des technologies alternatives (by Michaël Crevoisier, Revue Ballast French, July 2020)

On Technodiversity: A Conversation with Yuk Hui (by Anders Dunker, Los Angeles Review of Books, English, June 2020, Spanish Translation)

Singularity vs. Daoist Robots (by Nathan Gardels, Noema Magazine, English , June 2020)

非常時期,反思「正常」(by Karen Poon, Ming Pao, 19 April 2020)

東西のはざまで――世界の哲学者はいま何を考えているのか (by Shion Kato, Gendaishiso/現代思想, Japanese, Jan 2020)

超脫人類中心主義 開拓科技想像——專訪哲學家許煜 (by Daniel Lee), Mingpao/明報, 14 July 2019

Bez nové geopolitiky bude klimatická krize pokračovat. Nemáme čas (by Ondřej Trhoň), Czech Radio Wave (Czech, 2019)

Современная идея бессмертия — это ложное обещание техники (by Kirill Rozhentsov), Sig.ma (Russian, 2019)

A Thousand Cosmotechnics (by Giovanni Menegalle), Tank (English, 2018, Korean Translation, Chinese Translation )

Interview (by Jordan Skinner), HongKong Review of Books (English, 2017/ Chinese Translation)

Технологии должны стать частью нас, функцией разума (by Mitya Lebedev), Colta (Russian, 2017)

О существовании дигитальных объектов (by Evgeniy Kuchinov), Pop-Philosophy (Russian and English, 2016)

Interview (by Simon Dawes), Theory, Culture and Society (English, 2011)

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