我們非常高興宣布將於5月9日發布《Philosophy Today》專刊“自動化之後的哲學”(第65卷第2期),該專刊的所有文章將從5月7日起開放取用,為期3個月(感謝編輯Peg Birmingham 教授以及Philosophy Documentation Center)。 請於下本週日加入我們。登記的細節見於以下連接:
《Philosophy Today》專刊
Philosophy Today
Volume 65, Issue 2, 2021
Special Issue:
“Philosophy after Automation”
Guest Editor: Yuk HUI
Table of Contents
Part I: Interventions
Yuk Hui, Philosophy after Automation?
Jean-Luc Nancy, Automation, Alteration
Bernard Stiegler, Elements for a neganthropology of automatic man
Michał Krzykawski, Towards Idiodiversity. Retranslating Cybernetics
Ana Longo, The Automation of Philosophy or the Game of Induction
Babette Babich, On Necropolitics and Techno-Scotosis
Howard Caygill, Heidegger and the Automatic Earth Image
Yuk Hui, On the Limit of Artificial Intelligence
Katerina Kolozova, The artifact of non-humanity: a materialist account of the signifying automaton and its physical support in a fantasized unity
Part II: Dialogues
Pieter Lemmens and Yuk Hui: Landscapes of Technological Thoughts
Eduardo Vivieros de Castro and Yuk Hui: For a Strategic Primitivism
Hiroki Azuma and Yuk Hui: Homo animalis, a Japanese futurism
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