Conference: Is Big Data a New Medium?

May 3, 2018

Our academic committee member Jussi Parikka will participate in the “Is Big Data a New Medium?” forum at the LaSalle Art Institute in Singapore from May 7th to 8th. Details:

The growing quantification of social behaviours changes those behaviours. Extensive data collection alters the way we view our bodies, habits, environments, relationships, and society at large. Big data architectures are increasingly determining classificatory systems in the social, political, and corporate realms.

Bringing together artists, anthropologists, media, social and political theorists, this 2-day symposium ponders questions such as: Can big data be viewed as a new medium in the way that photography and film, and, more specifically, the photographic/cinematic close-up were in the 19th/ 20th centuries? How does extensive data collection shape the unconscious? What is the aesthetics of this process? Does big data, with its predictive abilities, eliminate the future (Berardi 2011)? Does it mark the end of ‘free will’ as we know it (Han 2017)?

Keynote speakers include Btihaj Ajana, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, Simon Biggs, Masaki Fujihata, Davide Panagia and Jussi Parikka.

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