Conference (2 – 4 November, Stockholm): CIMAM 2018 Annual Conference

October 14, 2018

Yuk Hui will participate the CIMAM 2018 Annual Conference in November. For more information, please refer to the following information for the general information of the conference and for more information, please go to the official website of the conference at here.



The CIMAM 2018 Annual Conference will be held in Stockholm, Sweden on 2 – 4 November, hosted jointly by Moderna Museet, Bonniers Konsthall and Magasin lll Museum & Foundation for Contemporary Art. Two optional Post-Conference Tours will be organized to Espoo, Turku and Helsinki, Finland and Oslo, Norway respectively on 5 – 6 November.


The Museum in Transition

In the complex and rapidly changing society of today, art institutions face serious challenges. It is arguably harder than ever before for a museum to remain relevant to its growing constituencies. A geographically expanding art world, new technological possibilities and the need to acknowledge diverse publics and perspectives are key aspects of our contemporary condition to which museums and cultural institutions need to respond.


Day 1: Global Realities – Challenges for Modern and Contemporary Museums
Day 2: The Future Intelligence of Museums
Day 3: Ethics of Museums in an Age of Mixed Economy


Speakers include: Daniel Birnbaum, Director and Ann-Sofi Noring, Co-Director, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden; Victoria Noorthoorn, Director, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Katya García-Antón, Director, Office for Contemporary Art, Oslo, Norway; Loulou Cherinet, Artist, Professor, Konstfack University of Arts, Craft and Design, Stockholm, Sweden; Michelle Kuo, The Marlene Hess Curator of Painting and Sculpture, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA; Lars Bang Larsen, Guest Professor, Royal Institute of Art and Curator, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden/Copenhagen, Denmark; Ho Tzu Nyen, Artist, Singapore, Singapore; Yuk Hui, Philosopher, Writer, Berlin, Germany; Jörg Heiser, Prof. Dr. University for the Arts, Berlin, Germany; Ann Gallagher, Director of Collection (British Art), Tate, London, United Kingdom and Mami Kataoka, Chief Curator, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan.


The three-day program includes 4 keynote and 8 perspective presentations, 3 panel discussions, 2 workshops and organized visits to the foremost art institutions and collections in the city.


The CIMAM 2018 Contents Committee consists of six board members: Ann-Sofi Noring (chair), Saskia Bos, Suzanne Cotter, Corinne Diserens, Elizabeth Ann Macgregor and Eugene Tan.


The Annual Conference is generously supported by ArkDes, Nationalmuseum, Royal Institute of Art, Public Art Agency Sweden, Stockholm University, Kulturhuset, Thielska Galleriet, Tensta konsthall and City of Stockholm.

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