
5月 25, 2021


Dr. Andoni Alonso (1966) is a Professor at Universidad Carlos III (Madrid). He completed a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Universidad del País Vasco, San Sebastián, and a postdoctorate at Penn State University. He was a Visiting Fellow at Nevada University (Reno) and has taught at Universidad de Extremadura (Cáceres), Universidad Complutense (Madrid), and Universidad Carlos III (Madrid). He has conducted research with Carl Mitcham, Ivan Illich and Tomás Maldonado. His research interests include Wittgenstein, art, digital technologies, cyberculture, and Luddism.

He has published in Alonso, A., & Oiarzabal, P. J.(Eds.).(2010). Diasporas in the New Media Age: Identity, Politics, and Community. Reno: Nevada University Press; Alonso, A. Arzoz, Iñaki (2002) La nueva ciudad de Dios. Madrid, Siruela, Madrid;  Alonso, A., & Arzoz, I. (2005). La Quinta Columna digital. Gedisa; Barcelona (Epson Prize, 2004); and Lafuente, A., Alonso, A., & Rodríguez, J. (2013). ¡ Todos sabios!. Ediciones Cátedra, Madrid.



『Philosophy Today』(2021年5月9日)、特集「オートメーション以後の哲学」刊行のお知らせ


出版: Art and Cosmotechnics – ユク・ホイ

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