2021年から23年にかけての哲学技術研究ネットワークの提携研究者を発表できることを嬉しく思います。 世界中から30以上の応募があり、9名の提携研究者を選出しました。 これらの提携研究者は、インド、米国、英国、中国、チリ、フランス、スペインの博士号、ポスドク、若手研究者です。 彼らは、今後2年間で、研究ネットワークの内容と議題の形成に参加する予定です。 その目的は、若い学者がこのネットワーク上での相互対話と活動の研究を発展させるための国際的なプラットフォームとネットワークを提供することです。 さまざまなバックグラウンドを持つこのグループの奨学生と協力して、刺激的な活動計画を立てることを楽しみにしています。

Roshni Babu, Independent Scholar
Kochi/Delhi/Varanasi, India
inter-Asian studies, subaltern studies, Indian philosophical modernity, technology and Asian antiquities, decolonial thinking
Dr. Roshni Babu received her PhD in Philosophy for a thesis titled, “Introspective Metaphysics in Colonial India: Transcendental Philosophy of Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya” in 2018 from the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, India. Her papers have appeared in Sophia (Springer), and JICPR (Springer), among others. Extending her post-doctoral work to post-colonial philosophy, in the forthcoming papers she extrapolates the concepts of immanence, therapeutics, and aging, to render philosophical critique of modernity susceptible to political undercurrents of the present. This study is tailor-made to generate new decolonising technologies of Asian pasts.

Joel White, Lecteur, Aix-Marseille, ALLESH
Marseille, France; London, UK
energy, entropy, logic, aesthetics, technology
Joel White completed his PhD, “Of Logomachia: Artaud, Energy and the Dissipation of Form”, at King’s College London and a double European Masters in Contemporary European Philosophy at Kingston University (CREMP) and Paris VIII (Saint-Denis). He has published on the work of Artaud and Kant in Performance Philosophy, Shakespeare and Walter Benjamin in Angelaki, Plato, Nietzsche and Simondon in Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy as well as on Stiegler, Derrida and entropy in Educational Philosophy and Theory. He is currently translating into English Artaud’s Revolutionary Messages for Bloomsbury Academic.

Renzo Filinich Orozco, PhD Candidate, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Valparaiso, Santiago de Chile, Chile
media arts, philosophy of technology, cosmotechnic, technological and aesthetic culture
Renzo Filinich Orozco is a media artist and researcher interested in the relationship between natural and artificial systems. PhD student in Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Valparaíso. Master in Media Arts, University of Chile. His most recent publications: Becoming and Individuation on the Encounter between Technical Apparatus and Natural System (MC Journal Magazine 2020), QATIPANA: Individuation processes on the relationship between art, machine and natural systems (Digital Hermeneutics Vol 4, No 1, 2020) and (TRANS) INDIVIDUATION AND DIVERSITY IN SPINOZA AND SIMONDON in the book, Individuation, technology and training – Simondon: in debate, University of Antioquia, 2020.

Anna Longo, Collége international de philosophie
Paris, France
history of philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of technology, epistemology
Anna Longo (Ph.D Panthéon-Sorbonne University) is a philosopher. She is a member of Collège International de Philosophie and she has been teaching at University Paris 1 et CalArts. She has been invited keynote speaker in conferences all over the world, she has been contributing to peer reviewed journals and international anthologies. She directed five volumes: Le paradoxe de la finitude (Mimesis 2019), La genèse du transcendantal (The Genesis of the Transcendental) (Mimesis 2017), Breaking the Spell: Speculative Realism under Discussion (Mimesis 2015), Time without Becoming (Mimesis 2014) and Il divenire della conoscenza (Mimesis 2013). Her forthcoming book “the Game of Induction” deals with probabilistic predictive systems based on Bayesian statistical inference. Anna Longo actively collaborates with contemporary visual artists and she is developing a theory of fiction as prophetic technique.

Victor Gabriel García Castañeda, PhD Student, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Lecturer, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México
Barcelona, ES; Mexico City, MX
philosophy of technology, sociology of technology, media studies, digital culture, identity
Victor Gabriel García Castañeda is a researcher interested in the philosophy and sociology of technology, digital culture and media studies. He is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and lecturer at the Universidad Iberoamericana of Mexico City. He holds a master’s degree in Sociology from the Universidad Iberoamericana and a bachelor’s in Philosophy and Social Sciences from ITESO (Guadalajara, Mexico). He is also a sound artist under the name Monotono and co-founder of Galería DECESO.

Sabrina Chou, Artist, Doctoral Candidate, University of Oxford, Ruskin School of Art
Oxford, UK; Los Angeles, US
art, social bodies, technological imaginaries, inoperativity
Sabrina Chou is an artist. Her research and work reflect on the constitution, circulation, and transmission of social forms. Currently a doctoral candidate and Clarendon Scholar in practice-led art at the University of Oxford, Ruskin School of Art, she received her MFA from the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, NL, and her BA in Visual and Environmental Studies from Harvard University in Cambridge, US. Working across disciplines, she has been an instructor, guest lecturer, and critic in the Netherlands, the UK, and the US. Sabrina has presented her work and writing internationally in exhibitions, publications, and broadcasts.

Patrick Gamez, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO, USA
ontology, genealogy, philosophy of engineering, ethics of technology, artificial intelligence
Patrick Gamez is an assistant professor of philosophy at Missouri S&T. He has research interests in the history of French philosophy, especially Foucault, as well as wide interests across the philosophy of technology, especially at the intersections of ontology, artificial intelligence, and the philosophy and ethics of engineering.

Yao Yu (姚禹), PhD Candidate, Department of History of Science, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University
Beijing, China, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (for one year from Aug 2021)
philosophy of technology, history of technology, phenomenology, Western Marxism, cyborg
Yao Yu, born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, is a Ph.D. Candidate studying in the Department of History of Science, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University. His main research areas are philosophy of technology and history of technology. His current research is on cyborgs from the perspective of phenomenology and philosophy of technology.

Jia Weng, PhD Candidate at Yale University
New Haven, CT, USA
environmental media, air, control valve, cybernetics, organicism
Jia Weng is an architectural designer, urbanist, and researcher. She is currently completing her doctoral studies in architectural history and theory at Yale University. In her theoretical practice, Jia has participated in many competitions and exhibitions, including the Jacques Rougerie Competition (First Prize), the Venice Architecture Biennale, and the Infrastructural Territory Exhibition at OCAT Shanghai Gallery. Her research examines how conditioned air has influenced architectural design and architectural culture in the early 20th century. She investigates buildings but also valves, windows, bubbles, sealants, and membranes around the world.