イベント: 中国における再帰性、宇宙技術、技術哲学

8月 17, 2021

Recursivity, cosmotechnics and the philosophy of technology in China
An online workshop on Yuk Hui’s Work

Date: 4 September 2021

Time: 13:30-18:30

The workshop, organized by the Research Centre for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity of the National Chengchi University, is the result of a reading group held between Aug 2020 and June 2021 on Hui’s The Question Concerning Technology in China. An Essay in Cosmotechnics (2016) discussed alongside other key texts related to the philosophy of technology in China. This workshop will feature seven papers on Hui’s work with responses from Yuk Hui.


Héctor G. Castaño (Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University), Fabian Heubel (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica), Jean-Yves Heutebise (Department of French Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University), Li Yuzhong (Department of Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University ), Lian Hui (Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University), Liu Jia-Hau (Department of Public Administration and Policy, National Taipei University), Kai Marchal (Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University)



13:45-14:00 Introduction (Kai Marchal, Héctor G. Castaño)

Session 1

14:00-14:15 劉佳昊 (Academia Sinica): “Where algorithms go? Some thoughts on Yuk Hui’s and Davide Panagia’s idea of ‘algorithmic logic’”.

14:15-14:30 李雨鍾 (NTNU): “Before recursiveness and teleological judgment: Technical thinkings in Arendt’s interpretation of Kant’s aesthetic judgment” (目的論判斷與遞迴之前:鄂蘭的康德審美判斷力詮釋中的技術思考)

14:30-14:45 Kai Marchal (NCCU) “Technology and the Humanum: A Few Thoughts on Yuk Hui inspired by Günther Anders”

14:45-15:10 Yuk Hui’s response

15:10-15:25 Discussion

Pause 15:25-15:45

Session 2

15:45-16:00 Jean-Yves Heurtebise (Fu-jen University): How to Overcome Technological Orientalism? Prospects and Limits of Yuk Hui’s The question of Tehcnology in China

16:00-16:15 Héctor G. Castaño (NSYSU): Technical Tendency and the Limits of Cultural Pluralism

16:15-16:30 Yuk Hui’s response

16:30-16:45 Discussion

Pause 16:45-17:00

Session 3

17:00-17:15 Fabian Heubel (Academia Sinica):用無用與道器論的弔詭思想

17:15-17:30 梁靧 (NTU): 〈近十五年中國技術哲學研究的一個分歧點:「道器論」與「道技論」的不同進路〉

17:30-17:45 Yuk Hui’s response

17:45-18:00 Discussion


18:00-18:20 Yuk Hui’s final remarks

18:20-18:45 Discussion



ニュース : 所属研究者 2021-23


イベント: テクノロジーと国家-ヘーゲルの法の哲学の要素の200周年

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