Presented by the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology
Wednesday, 26 January 2022
7-9pm HKT, 12-2pm CET
Online Event: Register to join via Zoom
Moderated by Pieter Lemmens, Assistant Professor, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Natalia Juchniewicz, Assistant Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland, Institute of Philosophy
Vincent Blok, Associate Professor, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, Philosophy Chair Group.
Continental Philosophy of Technoscience (Springer 2021):
The key objective of this volume is to allow philosophy students and early-stage researchers to become practicing philosophers in technoscientific settings. Zwart focuses on the methodological issue of how to practice continental philosophy of technoscience today.
This text draws upon continental authors such as Hegel, Engels, Heidegger, Bachelard and Lacan (and their fields of dialectics, phenomenology and psychoanalysis) in developing a coherent message around the technicity of science or rather, “technoscience”. Within technoscience, the focus will be on recent developments in life sciences research, such as genomics, post-genomics, synthetic biology and global ecology. This book uniquely presents continental perspectives that tend to be underrepresented in mainstream philosophy of science, yet entail crucial insights for coming to terms with technoscience as it is evolving on a global scale today.
The book is open access and can be downloaded in EPUB or PDF format here:
Prof. Dr. Hub Zwart (1960) studied philosophy and psychology at Radboud University Nijmegen, worked as a research associate at the Centre for Bioethics in Maastricht (1988-1992) and defended his thesis in 1993. In 2000 he became full Professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Science RU Nijmegen and in 2018 he was appointed as Dean of Erasmus School of Philosophy (Erasmus University Rotterdam). He has published 15 books and over 100 academic papers. In his research he develops a continental philosophical perspective on contemporary technoscience. Special attention is given to genres of the imagination (novels, plays, poetry) in research and education.