Lanzamiento del número especial de Technophany (15 de diciembre): Futuros locales – Technophany, evento de lanzamiento

noviembre 11, 2022

Local Futures – Technophany, Launch Event

Could Yuk Hui’s concept of cosmotechnics be a useful tool for thinking about the particularity of a Latin American technological thinking? Approaching the fragmentary possibilities of Latin American techniques, which are linked by a shared territory and history yet not unified by them, is a strategy for reevaluating the effects of technological imperialism. This process has, nevertheless, no intention of homogenizing languages, mythologies, religions, cultures, ontologies and technics themselves. We rather aim to direct ourselves towards futures, which from the viewpoint of inclusion, we haven’t been able to imagine yet.

In this event we’ll have a conversation around the question of a possible latinoamerican cosmotechnics with some of the authors of Technophany’s first special issue ‚Local Futures / Futuros Locales‘.

Date: Dec. 15th, 10:30 -12:30h (Mexico City) / 15 de Diciembre, 10:30 – 12:30, CDMX

Venue: Room E, Coordinación de Investigación, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM, Mexico City



Hugo Esquinca
Joel White
Renzo Filinich Orozco
Javier Blanco
Emma Baizabal



Ana María Guzmán Olmos
Francisco Barrón
Alan Díaz
Eduardo Makoszay
Francisca Zalaquett

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