Translation: Erich Hörl’s Technological Condition

March 1, 2018

The article “Technological Condition” written by one of our academic committee members, Erich Hörl, was translated into Chinese. The translation was published in Literature and Culture Studies under School of Literature Nankai University in 2015 (issue no.4). The Chinese translation and the English translation (originally published in Parrhesia journal) is now uploaded in the following links. Abstract of the article is also enclosed as the following.

[德] 埃里希·霍尔 著

依托技术条件发展⽽生的控制论挑战了了传统的阐释学范畴, 标志着⼈类进⼊技术状态的新领域。人类体验世界的方式与建构感知文化的过程也在发⽣生转型。感知是这⼀领域的本质机制, 且感知⽂文化依赖于对特定技术的解读。因此, 重新对技术世界进⾏本质意义上的哲学描绘显得尤为重要。技术条件的变革引发了人类感知文化的转型, 它包括了感知的技术移置和⼀般⽣生态学层面的重议两⽅面。感知的技术移置是技术条件下传统感知⽂化发⽣生错位和毁灭的结果。⽽一般⽣生态学层⾯的重议则注重技术基础上主体与客观世界关系的转型。 两个层面相结合的技术感知问题将成为人类未来关注的重要范畴。

关键词: 感知⽂化、技术条件、控制论、一般⽣生态学

Download the Chinese and English version of the article here:

Chinese / English

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