Post sitemap
- Memory of Bernard
- Article: 百年の危機 by Yuk Hui (Japanese translation)
- Article: For a Cosmotechnical Event: In Honor of Don Ihde and Bernard Stiegler by Yuk Hui
- Article: Cem anos de crise by Yuk Hui (Portuguese translation)
- Article: Cien Años De Crisis by Yuk Hui (Spanish translation)
- Article: One Hundred Years of Crisis by Yuk Hui
- Chinese Translation of “Time of Execution” by Yuk Hui
- Chinese Translation of “Apocalypse, Now!”
- Translation: Benjamin H. Bratton’s Black Stack
- Article: On Automation and Free Time by Yuk Hui
- Translation: Erich Hörl’s Technological Condition
- Article: Cosmotechnics as Cosmopolitics by Yuk Hui
- “For a Philosophy of Technology in China” interviewed by Geert Lovink
- Article: On a Possible Passing from the Digital to the Symbolic
- Article: On the Unhappy Consciousness of Neoreactionaries
- New Article: Rhythm and Technics: On Heidegger’s Commentary on Rimbaud
- Lecture: (6 August 2024): Bernard Stiegler Memorial Lecture 2024
- Lecture: (5 August 2023): Bernard Stiegler Memorial Lecture 2023
- Online Symposia (10-11 Jan 2023) Cybernetics for the 21st Century Symposium
- Lectures (5th-7th Dec 2022): Incompatible Thought: Legacy and its Recursivity
- Symposium (28 November 2022): Multiple Futures of Art and Technology
- Technophany special issue launch (15 December): Local Futures – Technophany, Launch Event
- Book Talk (7 December 2022): The Technical Condition. The Entanglement of Technology, Culture, and Society
- Lectures & Symposium (28th October – 16th December, 2022): Cybernetics for the 21st Century
- Symposium & Book Launch (22 Oct 2022): Art and Cosmotechnics – Symposium and Book Launch of Art and Cosmotechnics (Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2022)
- Seminar Series (September 2022 – July 2023): Reconsidering the Biosphere and the Technosphere in the Entropocene Entropies, Economies, Ecologies, Technologies
- Dialogues in Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar IX(1 November 2022) Alexander R. Galloway: A Brief History of Digital Philosophy in 10 Expressions
- Lecture: (5 August 2022): Bernard Stiegler Memorial Lecture 2022
- Dialogues in Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar VIII (27 April 2022) Luciana Parisi: Instrumentality and Possibility
- Dialogues in Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar VII (16/17 March 2022) Andrew Feenberg: Meaning and Existence
- Book Conversation (10/11 March 2022) Discriminating Data by Wendy Chun
- Dialogues in Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar VI (22 February 2022) Henning Schmidgen: Machinic Normativity
- Book Talk (16 Feb 2022): Technopolitique du geste contemporain by Román Domínguez Jiménez
- Book Talk (26 Jan 2022): Continental Philosophy of Technoscience by Hub Zwart
- Dialogues in Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar V (19 Jan 2022) Anna Longo: Predictive Technology vs. Prophetic Techne
- Symposium (7-19 Dec 2021) Art, Technology and Philosophy Lecture Series and Symposium: Departing from the Microcosmos
- Dialogues on Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar IV (7 Dec 2021) Susanna Lindberg: Bernard Stiegler’s Love of Music
- Workshop (20 Nov 2021): Technology and The State: The 200th anniversary of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
- Dialogues on Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar III (24 Nov 2021) Jean-Hugues Barthélémy: Towards Philosophical Relativity
- Dialogues on Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar II (11 Nov 2021): Global Perspectives on Philosophy of Engineering and Technology
- Dialogues on Philosophy and Technology – Research Seminar Series 2021-22
- Conference (9-10, November 2021): Diversité des vies techniques
- Book Launch (21 Oct 2021): A Dialogue on Art and Cosmotechnics between Yuk Hui and Hans Ulrich Obrist
- Conference (15 – 16 October 2021): Gilbert Simondon: Ecological, aesthetic and technological modes of existence
- Dialogues on Philosophy and Technology Research Seminar I (14 October 2021) Catherine Malabou: Epigenetic Mimesis
- Call for Abstracts – Workshop: Technology and The State – The 200th anniversary of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
- Workshop: Recursivity, cosmotechnics and the philosophy of technology in China
- Lecture: (5 August 2021): Bernard Stiegler Memorial Lecture 2021
- Publication Launch (9 May 2021): Philosophy after Automation
- Taipei Biennial 2020 Symposium (21 November 2020): New Diplomatic Encounters
- Symposium (3-4 December 2020): LCCP Symposium Memory for the Future: Thinking with Bernard Stiegler
- Summer School(27th – 31st July 2020, Germany): “Philosophies of Technology in Intercultural Perspective” with Yuk Hui
- Lecture: (29 November 2019, Rotterdam): Erasmus Philosophy: After the Organic by Yuk Hui
- Lectures (1st – 5th November, Taipei): What Art Can Do in the XXIst Century?
- Symposium (9-10 November 2019, Hangzhou): Postmoderns and After?
- Lecture (23 September 2019, Brazil): Após o orgânico | Yuk Hui
- Conference (7th September 2019, Vienna): Paul Feigelfeld in Changing Values
- Lecture (22th August, 2019, Tokyo): Urgent Talk 036: On “Technodiversity”
- Lecture (21 August 2019, Tokyo): Dialogue: Masaki Fujihata X Yuk Hui
- Event (20th August 2019, Tokyo): Hidetaka Ishida × Yuk Hui × Hiroki Azuma “Is a Post-European Philosophy of/in Technology Possible?
- Lecture (13th August 2019, Hong Kong): Summer Institute Yuk Hui Public Lecture – Commons or Fragments
- Event (27th June 2019, Berlin): Book Launch of Yuk Hui’s Recursivity and Contingency
- Lecture (23th July 2019, Berlin): Yuk Hui: The Paradox of Intelligence | SFSIA
- Workshop (9-10 May 2019, Seoul): Politics of Milieu Today
- Lecture (20 April 2019, Moscow): По ту сторону организма и механизма
- Event (3rd May 2019, Hong Kong): Book Launch of Recursivity and Contingency
- Seminar (March – April, Hangzhou): Technology and Aesthetics
- Lecture (Jan 11 2019, Berlin): The Discrete Charm of the Alphabet
- Lecture / Seminars (10 – 13 December 2018, Taipei): On Cosmotechnics
- Conference (12 November 2018, Dubai): Belief in A.I.
- Conference (2 – 4 November, Stockholm): CIMAM 2018 Annual Conference
- Dialogue on the Digital(29th Oct 2018, Berlin): Alexander Galloway x Yuk Hui
- Lecture (1st Oct 2018, NYC): What Begins after the End of Enlightenment?
- Conference (11-13 Oct 2018, St Gallen): Politics of Nature
- Symposium (28 Sep 2018, Guggenheim Museum NYC): Technology Is History
- Conference (2-3 Jul 2018, Paris): L’intelligence urbaine après deux siècles d’industrialisation
- Conference: Quelle éco-logie (techno-)politique ? Penser au-delà de Simondon
- Workshop: Andrew Feenberg’s Course on Philosophy of Technology, CIP Paris
- Lecture: Hardwired Temporalities: Media, Infrastructures, and the Patterning of Time
- Lecture: On Technodiversity
- Conference: Is Big Data a New Medium?
- Lecture: Automation, Accelerationism and Free Time
- Lecture: Bernard Stiegler in Nanjing University
- Seminars and Lectures in School of Intermedia Art, Chinese Academy of Art
- Lecture: Crisis and Potentials
- Workshop: Mark Henson at CAFACAT 2018 Masterclass
- Lecture: Problems of Temporality in the Digital Epoch
- Lecture: Imagination, technologies et infini
- International Expert Workshop: An Encounter Between Don Ihde and Bernard Stiegler Philosophy of Technology at the Crossroads Again
- Lecture: Biased Futures
- Lecture: On Posthuman as Pharmakon-A Dialogue with Günther Anders and Gilbert Simondon
- Lecture: The Ethics of Coding and the Human Algorithmic Condition (Peg Birmingham and Yuk Hui)
- Discussion at Colorado School of Mines with Yuk Hui, Carl Mitcham and Michael Zimmerman
- Symposium: Between the Digital and the Political: New Ecologies of Mind
- ON COSMOTECHNICS – for a renewed relation between technology and nature in the anthropocene
- Lecture: „Das digitale Leben aus kosmologischer Perspektive“ by Yuk Hui
- Workshop: Reset Modernity! Keynote by Bruno Latour
- Symposium: Media Revolutions
- International Symposium : “Archival Turn: East Asian Contemporary Art and Taiwan (1960-1989)”
- Tiger Media
- Conference: Hegel in Intercul Tural and Critical Perspective
- Lecture: Bernard Stiegler at City University of Hong Kong
- Lecture: Bernard Stiegler at China Academy of Art
- Lecture: Yuk Hui Lecture at China Academy of Art
- Lecture: Bernard Stiegler at Nanjing University
- Lecture: Bernard Stiegler at City University of Hong Kong
- Commentaries: “System of Pleonectic”: Interview with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem (Part 1, EN & FR)
- Commentaries: Infrastructural Revolutions and the Age of Resilience: A conversation with Jeremy Rifkin
- Interview: Singularity Vs. Daoist Robots
- Interview: On Technodiversity: A Conversation with Yuk Hui
- Interview: Cybernetics for the Twenty-First Century: An Interview with Philosopher Yuk Hui
- Animism: An Interview with Colombian philosopher Felipe Cuervo Restrepo (ES)
- Interview of Yuk Hui in The Paper
- Interview: A Thousand Cosmotechnics
- Interview of Yuk Hui at COLTA
- HK Review of Books’ Interview with Yuk Hui
- Article: Geert Lovink and Yuk Hui: Digital Objects and Metadata Schemes
- Interview with Yuk Hui in Popphilosophy
- Commentaries: “System of Pleonectic”: Interview with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem (Part 2, EN & FR)
- Lectures (April – June 2024): Cybernetics for the 21st Century Part II: Cybernetics to Come
- Technophany Indexed by DOAJ
- Chinese translation of Simondon’s Du Mode d’Existence des Objets Techniques (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2024)
- Call for Papers: Lyotard and the 21st Century
- Technophany and Radboud University Press Partnership Announcement
- Call for Papers: Computational Creativity – special issue of Technophany, Edited by Anna Longo
- Publication of the latest edition of Theology and Technology, Volume 1 (ed. Carl Mitcham, Jim Grote, Levi Checketts, 2022)
- Call for Papers: Entropies – special issue of Technophany, Edited by Joel White and Gerald Moore
- Call for Papers: Technē and Feminism – Special Issue of Technophany, Edited by Katerina Kolozova and Vera Bühlmann
- Open Call for Submissions: Technophany
- Announcement: Research Affiliates 2021-23
- Announcement: Selected Artists for “Kai Wu Studio”
- Publication: Art and Cosmotechnics by Yuk Hui
- Announcement: Prof. Andoni Alonso joined our academic committee
- Call for Proposals: Kai Wu Studio, 2021-2022
- Open Call for Research Affiliates
- Announcement: Hidetaka Ishida joined our academic committee
- Publication: Psychopolitical Anaphylaxis: Steps Towards a Metacosmics by Daniel Ross
- Journal Article: Chinese Translation of “For a Planetary Thinking” by Yuk Hui
- Journal Article: For a Planetary Thinking by Yuk Hui
- Publication: Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information
- CFP: Local Futures Beyond inclusion: Towards the possibility of latinamerican cosmotechnics.
- The Chinese translation of Recursivity and Contingency
- Interview: Yuk Hui: ‘La cosmotécnica no es nacionalismo, no es fascismo, no es una identidad política’
- Interview: Yuk Hui: “Vivimos tiempos inquietantes, de falsedad normalizada”
- Article: Yuk Hui, un filósofo de exportación
- Review: “Critique de la raison récursive” – Michaël Crevoisier
- Publication: Journal of China Academy of Art (vol.41, no.6, 2020)
- Publication: Fragmentar el Futuro – Ensayos sobre tecnodiversidad
- Interview: el nuevo fenómeno del pensamiento global
- Publication: Angelaki special issue (Vol 25, No.4): cosmotechnics.
- Book Review: Yuk Hui’s Axio-Cosmology of the Unknown: Genesis and the Inhuman
- Interview: Yuk Hui’s interview with the Revue Ballast
- Interview: Singularity Vs. Daoist Robots (Russian Translation)
- Article: ¿Qué comienza después del fin de la Ilustración? – Yuk Hui (Spanish Translation)
- Media: Technical Issues with Yuk Hui and Aleksandr Dugin
- Media: A Conversation with Bernard Stiegler
- Publication: Derrida Today (Volume 13, Issue 1, May 2020 )
- Publication: Art in the 21st century Reflections & Provocations
- Publication: Steps toward a Philosophy of Engineering
- Publication: Nanjing Lectures (2016-2019) by Bernard Stiegler
- Publication: “How Can Database Animals Be Political Animals?” (Part Two) By Hiroki Azuma
- Publication: “How Can Database Animals Be Political Animals?” (Part One) By Hiroki Azuma
- New Translation: Die Frage nach der Technik in China
- Interview: Yuk Hui’s interview in Gendaishiso (現代思想)
- Event review: What Art Can Do in the XXIst Century?
- Publication: Nishida, Kawabata, and the Japanese Response to Modernity By Andrew Feenberg
- Media: (20th August 2019, Tokyo): Hidetaka Ishida × Yuk Hui × Hiroki Azuma “Is a Post-European Philosophy of/in Technology Possible?
- Chinese Translation of Die Herkunft der Kunst und die Bestimmung des Denkens (1967)
- Publication: Recursivity and Contingency by Yuk Hui
- Publication: Chinese Translation of On the Existence of Digital Objects
- Book Recommendation: Bernard Stiegler « Qu’appelle-t-on Panser ? Au-delà de l’Entropocène » (2018)
- Announcement: Hirozi Azuma and Qingfeng Yang joined our academic committee
- Publication: Chinese Translation of “Philosopher par accident” by Bernard Stiegler
- Announcement: Launch of Philosophy of Media and Technology Series with Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press
- Four translation of lectures of Bernard Stiegler in Hangzhou and Nanjing
- Wechat Account
- Publication: The Neganthropocene
- Puiblication: Technology, Modernity, and Democracy
- Spanish translation of Yuk Hui’s “What is a Digital Object?”
- Announcement: Prof. Carl Mitcham has joined our academic committee
- Simondon du désert (Simondon of the desert)
- Book Presentation of Yuk Hui at Pro-qm/Berlin
- Publication: The Question Concerning Technology in China
- “Entropies” special issue Technophany, Journal of Philosophy and Technology
- Publication: Alternative Modernity: The Technical Turn in Philosophy and Social Theory (1995)
- Publication: How to Sleep
- Review: On the Existence of Digital Objects
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- Home
- Kant Reading Group – 1. Division of Philosophy 哲学的划分
- Kant Reading Group – 2. The Realm of Philosophy in General 一般哲学的领地
- Kant Reading Group – 3. The Critique of Judgement as a means of connecting the two Parts of Philosophy in a whole 判断力的批判作为把哲学的这个两部分结合为一个整体的手段
- Kant Reading Group – 4. Judgement as a Faculty by which Laws are prescribed a priori 判断力,作为一种先天立法能力
- Kant Reading Group – 5. The Principle of the formal finality of Nature is a transcendental Principle of Judgement 自然的形式的合目的性原则是判断力的一个先验原则
- Kant Reading Group – 9. Joinder of the Legislations of Understanding and Reason by means of Judgement 知性和理性的各种立法通过判断力而联结
- Kant Reading Group – Preface to the First Edition, 1790 序言第一版1790年
- Kant Reading Group – 6. The Association of the Feeling of Pleasure with the Concept of the Finality of Nature 愉快的情感和自然合目的性概念的联结
- Kant Reading Group – 7. The Aesthetic Representation of the Finality of Nature 自然的合目的性的审美表象
- Kant Reading Group – 8. The Logical Representation of the Finality of Nature 自然合目的性的逻辑表象
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- On the Existence of Digital Objects
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- Philosophy of Media and Technology Series
- Postmoderns and After?
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- Technophany Series
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- Test Front page
- The Question Concerning Technology in China. An Essay in Cosmotechnics
- Yuk Hui